Friday, July 31, 2009

How to Write Effective Title Tags for Better Positioning in Search Engines

Title tag is the most important part of your web page, which is normally neglected by most webmasters and designers, in fact there are few SEOs who think optimizing “Title Tag” is worthless. Title tag plays very important role in page optimization and in this article you’ll learn how to optimize it.


What Is The Title Tag?

It’s an HTML tag use as a title or heading of the web page, it shows input text on the blue bar at the web page, it is declared at the beginning of the webpage under head tag.


Example: <title>Your Home Page Title</title>

Why Is The Title Tag Important?

Title tag is the most important tag, almost all search engines evaluate webpage with title tag and check the relevancy with other elements of the page as well, and search engines also present results of a search by displaying webpage titles as links in the first line of each query result.


Tips To Write Effective Page Title:

  • Try to place your most important keyword phrase at the beginning of the tag
  • Use your primary keyword phrase in the title tag at least once
  • Avoid using the same words multiple times
  • Use plural form of keyword phrase, specially which includes complete singular word in it (Example: manufacturers)
  • Use sentence case for keyword phrase but keep preposition in lower case
  • Keep your title tag’s limit under 70 to 90 characters, longer sentences won’t give any value but they can be hurdle in deep crawl of your web page
  • Avoid using special characters such as ! @ # $ ^ & * ( }[ | ? /
  • Avoid using stopping words such as or, and , with, for, by, etc
  • Use unique title tag for each page, since each page has unique content
  • Make your title interesting and "compelling" to the reader to convince them why they should click there

credits: Asif Iqbal

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10 Tips to have Successful Blogging by ASIF IQBAL

Creating a blog is easy but managing a successful blog is something every Blogger wants, a Blogger’s success depends on the amount of audience that Blogger is known to and repeated traffic is the most valuable asset for a Blogger. In this article you’ll get to know ten (10) tips to effectively and successfully manage your blogs and brining your audience back to you.


What is Blog?

Blog is a short word representing "Weblog" and weblog is an online eDiary that is used to display chronological order of postings by one or multiple individuals. It’s an online journal that is regularly updated and accessible publicly to everyone, people can post their comments openly on blogs. It’s basically an interactive media to share thoughts, where author and readers can interact each other on single platform.

Blogger is a person who writes Weblogs, it has become a successful and dynamic profession internally, there are industries OR topic specific bloggers who are equally popular as start.


Tips for Effective and Successful Blogging

There are some very effective blogging tips through which you will be able to entertain your audience and they will keep coming back to your blog, it’s the LOYAL AUDIENCE who is the difference b/w a normal blog and a successful blog.

    1. Purpose of the Blog
    2. Who Your Target Audience Is
    3. Think Big
    4. Keep It Simple Principle
    5. Short And Brief
    6. Informal And Friendly Attitude
    7. Truth And Honesty
    8. Frequency Of Post
    9. Quick Reply To Comments
    10. Don’t Treat Blog Like An Advertisement Or Marketing Campaign

1. Purpose of the Blog

You should be clearly know the purpose of the blog, either you want to make it professional, topic or industry specific, want to project it as story or want to use it for PR of certain company or product. The best think is to write something you are crazy about.

2. Who Your Target Audience Is

Once you know your targeted audience, their interests and their likeness, you can easily facilitate your audience and can reach to comfort zone or your audience.


3. Think Big

You can create a blog easily, it’s free and quick but it requires your valuable time and continuous input. You just can’t have blog for anything. You have to have something new to your readers, so that they keep coming back to your blog and frequency of their visits depends on your input.


4. Keep It Simple Principle

There is no alternate to simplicity, keep your content simple and easy to understand, so that it will have wide range of audience. Find out simple alternate to difficult words, if somehow you have to use technical word, you should explain it.


5. Short And Brief

You should always write short and brief, people normally don’t like to read too much content. You should be very specific and to the point while posting your blog, if you try to irritate your audience they will never come back to your blog.


6. Informal And Friendly Attitude

Your blog should have informal and friendly attitude of writing, so that you can get quick interaction with your audience who will read your blog, you have to have immediate friendship with your audience through your expression of words and tone.


7. Truth And Honesty

You should always blog with honesty and truth, people like to read your original thoughts rather a point of view of someone else, this way you get closer to your audience and your audience tries to communicate with you.


8. Frequency Of Post

You have to have something new to your blog that will get your audience stick to it, if you are able to post thrice or twice a week that will be good frequency to get your audience back to your blog.


9. Quick Reply To Comments

Your audiences want quick reply to their comments, you should ideally reply back same day. You can set email alert on your blog, so that whenever someone post comments, you get an alert in your email and this way you can keep your blog up to day.


10. Don’t Treat Blog Like An Advertisement Or Marketing Campaign

Your blog is not one way communication, it’s a two way communication where your readers will have equal rights to share their comments openly, if you treat your blog like an advertisement, there are chances that you will have negative feedback or your blog will have less attraction to your readers. Today’s readers are smart enough to understand the purpose of the blog, if you want to use your blog for PR, then you have to keep the balance and be true to your audience.

I hope that above mentioned points will help you manage your blog more effectively, and if you still don’t have a blog, I would highly recommend you to create it today and feel free to ask if you have any question or query.

credits: Asif Iqbal

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Effective and optimized META Keywords Tags For websites and blogs

Meta keywords tags are not very effective for major search engines, it is always suggested to have them instead of avoiding, a website should be optimized for all search engines not just for the BIG Three. This particular tag doesn’t require thinking process, one needs to put pre-selected keywords in it, keeping few given guidelines in mind.


What Is The Meta Keywords Tag?

It’s an HTML tag use to feed keywords to search engines, it helps search engines to identity the webpage relevance with respect to supplied keywords, it is declared after description tag of the webpage under head tag.

Example: <meta name=”keywords” content=“Your Keyword1, Your Keyword2”>


Is The Keywords Tag Still Important?

Not exactly, keywords tag has lost its value, search engines get smarter these days, they have set their own criteria to identify web pages with their relevancies, they take each word as “keyword OR phrase” present at webpage and they keep those words in priorities with their densities. There is no harm in utilizing this tag for better results.


How to Hide Keywords from Your Competitors?

If you use this tag, then obviously your competitors are going to know where you are focusing and what are your primary keywords? You should use KEYWORDS in BITS, distribute PHRASES into SINGLE KEYWORD, remove DUPLICATE keywords, keep all keywords UNIQUE.

Old Technique: “seo services, seo trainer, seo training, seo consultant, seo outsourcing, outsourcing services, seo consultancy”

BITS Technique: “seo, trainer, services, training, consultant, outsourcing, consultancy”


Tips To Write Effective Page Description Tag:

  • Optimize for relevant keywords
  • Use group of relevant keywords on a particular webpage
  • Put only those keywords which are focused on webpage
  • Don’t put all keywords in this tag
  • Don’t repeat keywords in this tag
  • Don’t use misspell keywords
  • Use keywords with small case letter
  • Use BITS technique to write keywords
  • Each individual page should be optimize for less than 10 keywords

credits: Asif Iqbal

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Quick SEO Guide! 12 Most Important Steps of Search Engine Optimization

There are just 12 simple steps to follow basic Search Engine Optimization for SEO starters, expertise and in-depth knowledge of these steps can take you to the expert level as well, this article has just an overview of the basic SEO.

  1. Research and select appropriate keywords to target
  2. Effective page Title Tags
  3. Effective and optimized META Description Tag
  4. Effective and optimized META Keywords Tag
  5. Integrate search keywords within Website copy
  6. Web design elements to avoid ensuring your site is search engine compatible
  7. Effective Alt Image attributes
  8. Effective and optimized text navigation menus
  9. Link titles and anchor link effectively
  10. Set up search engine friendly site architecture
  11. Creation of search engine friendly sitemap
  12. Robots.txt and its META tag

1- Research and select appropriate keywords to target

  1. Collect the business terms
  2. Check keywords relevancy with industry and conversion
  3. Check competition
  4. Check count on word tracker and Overture
  5. Make estimate traffic chart using Google Adwords
  6. Distribution of keywords on the basis of their weight

2. Effective page Title Tags

Title tag is the most important tag, almost all search engines evaluate webpage with title tag and check the relevancy with other elements of the page as well, and search engines also present results of a search by displaying webpage titles as links in the first line of each query result.

3. Effective and optimized META Description Tag

Description tag is the very important tag, search engines take webpage description through this tag, though search engines don’t give any importance to this tag in their ranking algorithms but this tag can lead searchers to motivate and visit your website.

4. Effective and optimized META Keywords Tag

Keywords tag has lost its value, search engines keep getting smarter, they have set their own criterion to identify web pages with their relevancies, they take each word as “keyword phrase” that is presented at webpage and they keep those words in priorities with their densities. There is no harm in utilizing this tag for marginally better results.

5. Integrate search keywords within Website copy

Since a very early stage of search engine revolution, search engines were able to evaluate website with relevance to their content, though they were not very efficient and intelligent like they are these days, but they were able to read the content at website and content still plays very important role in top ranking positions.

6. Web design elements to avoid ensuring your site is search engine compatible

Usually a website is designed keeping few elements in mind such as user friendliness, attractive design, beautiful flash animation, easy navigation, client specific or functionality oriented. In fact all these elements are very useful and important but what benefit is your web site if it has no visitors, search engine compatible websites are designed and developed keeping search engine policies and algorithms in mind, which enable websites to be easily crawled and understood by search engines.

7. Effective Alt Image attributes

Alternate text commonly referred to as Alt, is a text description that can be added to the HTML tag that displays an image. The ALT text is displayed by the browser when the cursor is moved over the picture. If pictures are turned off in the browser, the Alt text is automatically displayed instead.

8. Effective and optimized text navigation menus

Navigation is a very important part of any website; it gives guidelines to website visitors and directs them to relevant part of the website.

9. Link titles and anchor link effectively

Link title is displayed text by the browser when cursor is moved over the link.
An Anchor link is a little different from a hyperlink, a hyperlink directs to a complete webpage but anchor link directs to a specific area of a particular webpage, it may be at same page or different page or even at different domain.

10. Set up search engine friendly site architecture

A Website's information architecture can greatly affect on its search engine visibility. Specific page elements, such as the site navigation scheme, and design technologies, such as CSS and JavaScript, can interfere with search engines ability to spider a site.

11. Creation of search engine friendly sitemap

A site map helps visitors navigate large, complicated sites by showing its entire structure. It is also used as a master diagram of the Web site for Web designers.

12. Robots.txt and its META tag

Robots.txt is a file placed on your server to guide the various search engine spiders not to crawl or index certain sections or pages of your site. You can use it to prevent indexing totally, prevent certain areas of your site from being indexes or to issue individual indexing instructions to specific search engines.

credits: Asif Iqbal

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